Lakeside Arts
Part of University of Nottingham
Lakeside Arts
An image of a woman at the preview of the Eye as Witness wearing a VR headset

معرض متنقل للمتحف البريطاني

العراق القديم: اكتشافات جديدة

من يوم السبت الموافق لـ26 مارس آذار
وحتى يوم الأحد 19 يونيو حزيران

معرض فنون جانوجلي بجوار البحيرة

.نشأت وتطورت عدة مدن في العراق القديم. فقد طورها سكانها واخترعوا العديد من الأشياء التي نأخذها حالياً مسلمات من اختراع العجلة وحتى تأسيس المدارس. ومن مخترعاتهم نظام الري لسقي الأراضي الزراعية، ومنها تقسيم الوقت بالثواني الستين والدقائق والساعات، ومنها تأسيس نظام الكتابة كأحد أهم التطورات الإنسانية على مدى تاريخها

.يحتفي هذا المتحف البريطاني المتنقل بالثقافة الثرية للموروث العراقي من خلال عرض ثمانين قطعة مميزة وكذلك مرويتين لتسليط الضوء على التحديات لحماية التنوع التراث الثقافي العراقي خلال عقود من الصراعات

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A decorative border with outlines of various artefacts from Ancient Iraq

.المروية الأولى تحكي واحدة من أقدم مدن العراق السومرية جيرسو والتي تحوي أقدم جسر باقي عبر العصور وكذلك موقع تنقيب آثار يعود إلى أكثر من أربعة آلاف عام

.والمروية الثانية تحكي عن قلاتقا دربان واحدة من قلاع مبنية منذ ألفي عام خلال قلاقل الإمبراطوريات المتعاقبة فيما يعرف حالياً بإقليم كردستان العراق

.القطع المميزة في هذا المعرض ستلفت النظر إلى عمليات التنقيب للآثار وبحوثها العلمية والمكتشفات الجديدة في هاذين الموقعين كجزء من مشروع المتحف البريطاني في العراق بين الأعوام 2015 و2020

.ويتطلع المتحف البريطاني حالياً إلى المستقبل حيث يواصل العمل بالتعاون مع زمالة عراقية لإحياء الماضي التليد لهذه البلاد العظيمة عقب أزمنة من الدمار والخراب



Fantastic Firsts: Writing

Did you know Ancient Iraqis developed the world's first writing system? Mesopotamians developed the world's first writing system over five thousand years ago. Watch this video to see how and why they developed it.

Fantastic Firsts: Schools

Did you know the first schools in the world have been found in Ancient Iraq? Mesopotamian children went to school at around 5-7 years of age. Watch this video to see what they learned and what their classrooms were like.

Ancient Iraq - Fantastic Firsts: Time

Have you ever wondered why there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour? Watch to see how the people of Ancient Iraq developed how we today record time.

Ancient Iraq - Fantastic Firsts: Cities

Have you ever wondered how people of different cultures got along in ancient times? Multiculturalism is not a modern concept, Ancient Iraq was the bridge between eastern and western culture.

Ancient Iraq - Fantastic Firsts: Multicultural Iraq

Have you ever wondered how people of different cultures got along in ancient times? Multiculturalism is not a modern concept, Ancient Iraq was the bridge between eastern and western culture.

Ancient Iraq - Fantastic Firsts: Parthian Riders

Have you ever heard of the Parthian Riders? Everyone has heard of Nottingham’s famous archer Robin Hood but did you know Ancient Iraq had their own highly skilled archers on horseback known as the Parthian Riders.


If you're interested in learning more about what Ancient Iraq was like, we have a series of talks available to accompany the exhibition.

Community Reconciliation in Post-War Mosul's Old Town

Community Reconciliation in Post-War Mosul's Old Town

Saturday 26 March - Sunday 19 June
University of Nottingham Museum

Discover how the local community in Mosul’s Old Town use their memories and understanding of their heritage to reconstruct their historic town.  

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Feasts of the Dead: Mortuary Ritual in the Royal Cemetery at Ur

Feasts of the Dead: Mortuary Ritual in the Royal Cemetery at Ur

Saturday 02 April 1pm and 2.15pm
Djanogly Gallery

Learn what archaelogists have learnt from the 'royal' cemetery of Ur.

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Discovering the Sumerians

Discovering the Sumerians

Tuesday 12 April 1pm
Djanogly Theatre, Lakeside Arts

Find out more about the people who created the world's earliest civilisation. 

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Portrait of a Ruler: the art of Gudea

Portrait of a Ruler: the art of Gudea

Saturday 07 May 1pm and 2.15pm
Djanogly Gallery

What can you find out about Gudea, ruler of Lagash?

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Hearing the Silence of an Old Mosul

Hearing the Silence of an Old Mosul

Thursday 12 May 1pm
Djanogly Theatre, Lakeside Arts

This talk with Professor Mohamed Gamal Abdelmonem addresses the mutual impact of destroyed historic building and urban fabric of Old Mosul.

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Girsu and the Sumerians

Girsu and the Sumerians

Tuesday 24 May 1pm
Djanogly Theatre, Lakeside Arts

This lecture, by Dr Sebastien Rey, Curator for Ancient Mesopotamia, British Museum, will present the results of the multifaceted research programme carried out in the field at Girsu.

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Talk: Community Reconciliation in Post-War Mosul's Old Town

Talk: Community Reconciliation in Post-War Mosul's Old Town

Saturday 11 June 12noon & 1.15pm
University of Nottingham Museum

Join Yousif Al-Daffaie, PhD Researcher at Nottingham Trent University for a talk about his research and film.

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The multicultural communities of Seleucid and Parthian Mesopotamia

The multicultural communities of Seleucid and Parthian Mesopotamia

Saturday 04 June 1pm and 2.15pm
Djanogly Gallery

What can female figures dating to the time of the Seleucid and Parthian empires tell us about the beliefs?

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Clash of Empires: Excavating a Parthian Outpost in the Mountains of Kurdistan

Clash of Empires: Excavating a Parthian Outpost in the Mountains of Kurdistan

Tuesday 07 June 1pm
Djanogly Theatre, Lakeside Arts

Learn about the fieldwork conducted in the Darband-i Rania pass from Dr John MacGinnis.

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If you’re bringing the family along to visit the exhibition during the Easter school holidays, they why not book to attend one of the workshops we have running. It’s a fantastic way for children to immerse themselves in Ancient Iraq culture, while enjoying some family bonding.

Clay Treasures
Children & Families

Clay Treasures

Tuesday 05 April 10am-12noon
Visual Arts Studio

Explore the Ancient Iraq: new discoveries exhibition and make your own discoveries and treasures out of clay.

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Safety Information

The safety of our visitors, staff and students is our priority. Here's what we're doing to help keep everyone safe, and what you can do to help.



In line with government guidelines, all staff and visitors must wear a face covering when inside our buildings. Read our list of exemptions. Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue. If no tissue is available, use your elbow.


Although it is no longer mandatory, we ask that visitors give people space where it is sensible or requested.


We will refund tickets to anyone that tests positive or is displaying symptoms of Covid-19 as long as we’re notified at least two hours prior to an event start time.


Hand sanitiser is available at regular intervals throughout our venues. We recommend you make use of these upon arriving and leaving our venue.


The frequency of our cleaning throughout our venues has been increased, including toilets and other facilities.


We are able to accept both contactless and cash payments in our venues, though contactless payments are preferred.

A decorative border with outlines of various artefacts from Ancient Iraq

A sneak peek at some of Ancient Iraq exhibits